Conquer online private server

Important announcement for all of our users

declaration / note,

to everyone who cares,

* : An important announcement decision for all users of our public servers.

* : We are not responsible for any external matters in any way For example, chatting with the wrong officials or someone who claims to be our supporter, and this indicates that he is a scammer or scammer.

* : We are the official support on our platform, and it's Facebook only.

* : This is the official link.

* : Or by visiting the entire page.

you can now

Find out about the vulnerability or bug and inform us,

* : And for each person who reports a double, they get the maximum amount of bonuses they can.

* : Whoever reports bugs will get the most special prizes.

* : Total prize ConquerPoints : 1,000,000+ million CPs,

* : The legal terms and conditions of the maid platform apply.

* : And for each person who reports a double, they get the maximum amount of bonuses they can.

* : Any observation or reporting of a problem or errors reported here.

* : People who have not helped us before, although they certainly know about these things and use them constantly.

Now they are suffering from important bugs or corrections, but Ali knew this before.

They are now permanently banned